A practical, on-demand course that will guide you to write a killer Brand Plan that uncovers and prioritises growth opportunities, creates direction and deliver results.
With 12 on-demand video lessons & an accompanying course manual full of useful tools, templates & exercises so you finish the course with your brand plan written!
Brand Planning
This course is for marketing teams and individuals who want to master & adopt a formal strategic planning process that:
Creates clear direction for your brand in an uncertain world. Put a stop to the constant zigging and zagging you have been enduring
Drives choice & prioritisation, allowing you to ditch the time & resource sucking tasks to focus only on the initiatives that will make an impact
Makes all your day-to-day actions and decisions faster & more effective, because they are guided by clear objectives and outcomes
Gets senior leaders to understand the value of planning and aligned to your end goal, making the execution journey and necessary approvals that much easier
Builds your marketing excellence in insight development, strategic thinking, creating direction & delivering results to accelerate your career​
During this course, we will use my 6 Step Planning Process to craft and write your killer Brand Plan. This process has been designed and refined over decades of writing brand plans and delivering strong growth for my own brands and more recently, my client's brands. The process is based on all the relevant theory but it has been tested and proven in the real world many, many times.

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Understand how to properly determine & define your business/brand problem to be solved before commencing situation assessment or insight dig
Undertake a thorough external and internal situation assessment, synthesising data and facts into conclusions & actionable insights that uncover powerful opportunities to drive growth for your brand.
Assess & prioritise the strategic options uncovered during your situation assessment based on the potential impact to your business and the ease of which you could execute against the option
Write measurable & achievable objectives that will correct your defined business problem and allow you define the outcomes expected from the plan
Develop strategies & tactics across the entire marketing mix that will leverage market opportunities, achieve your objectives & build upon your brand vision & purpose
Determine how you will track & measure the success of your plan, and course-correct as required
On completion


why plan with
Anne Ricci?
in brand management & marketing leadership roles culminating as a Global Marketing Director
helping build Marketing Excellence & Capability across the globe
I will be showing you my planning process that I have developed and refined over decades of writing my own brand plans and helping my clients write theirs. The process is based on all the relevant theory but has been proven & tested in the real world many, many times.
Check me out on LinkedIn

General Manager - Vitaco
We recently used Anne Ricci to help us develop our 3-year strategic plans at Vitaco. Anne did a brilliant job from the outset. The strategic planning framework, process, and tools she introduced to the team were clear, understandable, and actually quite simple to apply to our brands. She was highly accessible to the team during the whole process and she has a rare skill of being about to engage and coach all levels of the organisation which made the actual workshops highly effective. The resulting strategic plans we developed were a huge step up from previous years and what was almost as important is that we have built planning capability across our organisation. I would highly recommend Anne and the team from via Marca.
Chief Marketing Officer - Sanitarium
After guiding our 2019/20 planning cycle with a string of successful workshop and planning sessions, Anne Ricci has quickly been established as a key partner to the Sanitarium Marketing team.
Anne has a refreshingly unique and passionate approach to brand building workshops, utilising a wealth of Marketing know-how to deliver us powerful and productive session outcomes for the brand.
Each session is thoughtfully put together with modular customisation to best fit the brand and the problem you’re there to solve.
CEO - Glycemic Index Foundation
Anne Ricci with her wealth of experience and her effective planning toolkit meant we were quickly able to identify several growth opportunities for the Glycemic Index Foundation and construct a 5 year Strategic Brand Plan to provide immediate direction for the Foundation and visibility of our long term vision for our licensees.
What's inside?
This is a practical, on-demand course that will guide you to write a killer Brand Plan that uncovers and prioritises growth opportunities, creates direction and deliver results.
The course takes you through each of the 6 steps in details and consists of 12 on-demand video lessons with an accompanying course manual full of useful tools, templates & exercises so you finish the course with your brand plan written
Define the Challenge
Before you start writing any plan, you first need to understand the main problem or challenge that the plan is solving for. This problem should be centred on how the brand is currently performing and identify the gaps and challenges that exist and need to be addressed by the plan to drive future growth.
In this module you will be introduced to the Challenge Identification Questions you need to answer, to understand where your brand stands now and how it is performing against expectations and market dynamics.
Then, using the above answers, you will use the Strategic Growth Challenge tool to help you clearly define the strategic challenge or problem the brand is facing and more importantly, the likely causes of the problem. This step is critical to provide direction and scope for a targeted situation assessment and will ensure your investigation uncovers relevant opportunities to grow
Define the Challenge
Define the Challenge
Now the scope of the plan is set, it is time to conduct a logical situation assessment that converts facts into Actionable Insights and growth opportunities the brand could pursue, in answer the Strategic Brand Challenge.
You will be taught an outside-in assessment process called Connects the Dots which logically converts multiple fact and data sources into actionable insights and market-driven growth opportunities.
​First, we will look at the external market to find emerging growth opportunities, threats or changing market dynamics. Next, you will assess your internal capabilities and determine your strengths and weaknesses.
Finally, we connect these external market opportunities with your internal strengths to uncover a raft of Actionable Insights, ready for prioritization. This outside-in approach will ensure your plan is grounded in market-driven growth opportunities but is actionable, realistic and commercially sound.
Find Opportunity
Define the Challenge
Strategy is about making choices and prioritizing the growth opportunities your brand and business has the strengths, capabilities and resources to realize.
In this step, you will use our Strategic Choices tool to prioritise your Actionable Insights based on:
The external opportunities or threats that will have the biggest impact on the brand/business
The ease of which the brand and organisation can leverage its strengths and capabilities to pursue the opportunity.
The top-ranked priorities will then be taken forward into the planning phases of step 4 & 5
This step will ensure your plan places focus and resources against the opportunities that will give you the biggest bang for your buck and prevent you from chasing the unattractive or unrealistic ones.
Make Choices
Define the Challenge
Now you have your growth priorities, your next step will be to set your goals and objectives for each priority.
Objectives are the outcome you need the plan to achieve with a specific action, metrics of success and a time target so you can measure your actual performance to these goals.
We will use our Objective Setting tool and the data you collected in the situation assessment to calculate the specific outcomes and the key growth metrics each opportunity could deliver to the business.
You will leave this module with your goals set and ready to create the path to achieving them.
Set Objectives
Define the Challenge
With the goals set, it is time to articulate your Strategies, which are the steps and path you need to take to achieve the Objectives.
We will use the Strategy Selection tool to assess and choose the most relevant growth strategies. These choices then inform your Tactic Ideation, where you will build an integrated tactical plan across all elements of the marketing mix and allocate specific timings, budgets & KPI's to each.
In this step, we will show you how to take action to realise your growth opportunities and then how to wrap it all up into a logical, inspiring plan that delivers exceptional commercials results
Take Action
Define the Challenge
During the planning process, you have set specific and measurable objectives and tactical KPI’s on which you can track and measure your success.
In this final step, you will be shown how to set up a Performance Tracker and relevant reporting methods to ensure you can measure and report the impact and results your plan has delivered to the brand and business.
This step is critical to building ongoing support and demonstration of success for your Brand Planning efforts to the wider business, helping build the credibility of Marketing as the strategic growth function in the organisation.
Measure Success
What others say....
The Brand Planning downloadable course manual & brand planning toolkit. This 150-page document is yours to keep to guide you and provide all the adaptable templates you need to write your plans.
Access to a community forum with Anne & an active cohort of like-minded fellow marketers to keep you on track & motivated. Go 1 on 1 with Anne to ask questions & seek feedback on your plans or participate in the community forum to learn from each other. Other peoples questions are often the ones you didn't know you had!
What You Get
Access to The Brand Planning course content for the lifetime of the course, so it's available to guide you exactly when you need to write your plans, year on year
12 step-by-step video tutorials packed full of the key principles, practical tools, case studies and exercises to apply to your brand. They are on-demand so you can write your plan when and wherever you like!

I’m too busy in my day-to-day to spend the time on the modules & exercisesWriting a plan will ease your day-to-day burdens because you will be able to confidently ditch the time suckers which aren’t counting to anything. Every task will count & contribute to growing your brand and delivering career-building results. ​ Plus, the course is on-demand and you have lifetime access to you can work at your own pace, when and where you want. Every tutorial is bite-sized and no longer than 20mins.
I don’t have the access to the data I need to write a plan.There is data everywhere, if you know where to look! We’ll show you how to conduct a thorough situation assessment and where to find all the best data and insights for free. Or we'll put you in touch with first class researchers to help you get the information you need.
My business moves too fast to need a strategic planWe live in a fast-paced, every changing world but every business needs a plan to guide its efforts, decision making and resource allocation. The plan will help you make choices on which opportunities to pursue and which ones to leave along. These choices will ensure you have the right focus and investment in the right places. You just need to plan for the right time horizon. This process works for a business that needs to plan every 3 months or every 3 years. Without a plan, you will be in a constant spin and quite possibly spending too much timeon things that don't grow your business.
I’ve tried writing a brand plan before but just ended up lost down a rabbit hole and didn’t come up with anything new or excitingThis process has been tested and refined over many years and each step will ensure you come out the end with an exciting but practical plan for growth. The process will frame up your challenge at the start, guide a targeted situation assessment to uncover the right opportunities to grow and then link those opportunities to measurable and actionable objectives and strategies
My boss doesn’t see the value in locking ourselves away to think about the future and write a plan. They just want results right now.This process will allow you to demonstrate the value of strategy by linking it directly to the delivery of business results. In this course I will show you how to link your plan to specific and measurable outcomes and track and report those outcomes to the leadership team. Every piece of activity will be tightly linked to a measureable objective or KPI so you can show how your marketing actions and budgets are delivering a return on investment.
If I get stuck will you be available to answer my questions or take a look at my work?Of course! I love nerding out on juicy strategic challenges. I am very active in the community forum where I will specifically answer your questions. There is also the opportunity for a private forum if you have some commercially sensitive questions to ask.
I really want to do this course but I need to get my bosses approval to participate and to pay for it. How do I convince them?Send them this page and point out the importance and benefits of planning, and that for this small investment you will be able to present a completed brand plan to them. Potentially, they could put the whole team on the course so you all have a common approach, language and toolkit to use over and over again. Mention the team discounts! Furthermore, they will be investing in your professional development to build your marketing excellence and skills in strategic thinking and creating direction which are critical competencies for a marketing team to lead the growth agenda for the entire organisation. ​ And if they'd like to talk to me further, I'd love to chat about the course and the benefits you will receive. Just email me at anne@viamarca.com.au and we'll set up a call.
I am worried I’ll sign up and not finish. Work and life might get in the way.This is where the weekly exercises and community forum kick in. You are encouraged by myself and your cohort to show up and participate every week. I will give you weekly deadlines to complete your exercises and get your plan written. And no one wants to be the kid who didn't do their homework :) Plus, learning is much richer when you can participate in the forum and read others questions having done the exercise yourself.
Join uS!
Don't miss this opportunity to:
Create clear direction for your brand in an uncertain world. Put a stop to the constant zigging and zagging you have been enduring
Drive choice & prioritisation, allowing you to ditch the time & resource sucking tasks to focus only on the initiatives that will make an impact
Make all your day-to-day actions and decisions faster & more effective, because you are guided by clear objectives and outcomes
Gets senior leaders to understand the value of planning and aligned to your end goal, making the execution journey and necessary approvals that much easier
Build your marketing excellence in strategic planning & thinking, creating direction & delivering results​